Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sugaring DIY

Hello my darlings!

So the other night, I tried "sugaring", which is like waxing but with sugar.

It was a success, except I'm making some minor changes to the recipe to improve it in the areas that I found it lacked.

So as you all don't know, my mother went to cosmetology school against her will at a young age and learned how to do everything you would ever find in a salon. Her assistance is greatly appreciated by me and she had the pleasure of watching me twitch as the wax was "removed" from my arms and legs.

Let's begin by giving you some insight to waxing. It has long been a tradition that women of all ages torture themselves by attacking their skin with sticky substances to remove hair. Hoorah, right? But it doesn't always have to be painful. God gave us Halawa.

To learn more about Halawa and what it's good for, you can read all about the magic right here.

Before you start, make sure your skin is clean. It's the best way to do it. Also, be careful not to burn yourself!

2 cups of water
3 cups of white cane sugar (recommended white cane; I've never used brown sugar)
2 teaspoons of lemon juice (or 1/4 cup, as I used.)

Medium Pot
Stirring spoon safe for hot molasses
Fabric (use old denim or any kind of old cotton sheets or pillow cases)
Candy thermometer
Butter knife
Body powder

1. Combine your ingredients into the pot on the stove. Stir it up and mix it good. It should be the consistency of the sugar at the bottom of your coffee cup - sort of syrupy. Get rid of lumps or any dry sugar by mixing.

2. Turn the stove on medium heat. Keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't burn. Stir frequently. Let it come to a boil.

3. While you're waiting for your sugar to melt and boil, take your scissors and cut up your fabric into 3x6" strips. If they're too short, your waxing job will fail. Do enough to cover whatever part of your body you're planning on waxing.

4. When your halawa is finished "cooking", it will be a golden hue. All of the sugar crystals should be melted and there shouldn't be a grain left. Only liquid. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Remove it from the stove.

5. Prepare your skin by applying body (or baby) powder. This will keep your natural oils from interfering with the sugar's natural adhesive.

6. Apply the halawa to your skin against the natural direction your hair is growing with your butter knife. The thinner you apply it, the better it will work. Just make sure it's an even coat.

7. Immediately press your fabric strip to the halawa'd skin, long-wise. Rub it down good. Pull your skin taut and swiftly yank the strip backwards, against the natural direction of your hair growth.

8. Twitch in slight discomfort.

9. Admire your hairless extremity.

10. When you're finished waxing, the halawa comes off nicely in the shower with soap and water (or just water, if you want to stay sticky).

Happy waxing!

Make sure the halawa stays hot. To keep it hot, pour the contents of your halawa into a microwave-safe bowl after it's finished boiling. When you feel that it gets difficult to spread on your skin comfortably, it's too cold. Put it in the microwave and blast it for 5-10 seconds, but again, test it to make sure it's not too hot.
Also, before you apply the halawa, be sure to have enough fabric strips nearby. If the halawa gets cold before you can apply a strip, you need to rinse and try again.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rules of Fabulosity - The Heffer Rule

So I was thinking the other day, I get a LOT of compliments in my every day life about things that are also very every day. I also consider myself to be of medium maintenance, yet people tell me they wonder how I have time to do anything else but look good.

It's easy to look good, but do you look GOOD? My friend Rhett Butler (yes, really) comes to mind while writing this article. How does one describe Rhett? Confident, lady-killing, fierce. He is the only gay man I know who has women crying over him. What is his secret, I asked myself. What is it?! I'm pretty sure I'm the only girl who doesn't think he's severely fuckable. Then it occurred to me as he waltzed his way into the local coffee shop, positively preening like a peacock. Heads turned. There it was.

The secret.

Are you ready?


Yes, that thing we read about in beauty mags and roll our eyes because it's easy to be confident in a size 5. But it's absolutely, positively true. Here are my tips to make your fabulous YOU ooze out of every orifice.

I've never been the most confident of girls, not really, so when I decided to develop and use the "Heffer Rule", I was skeptical that it was attitude and not reputation. I call this the Heffer Rule because whenever a woman looks in the mirror, the array of synonyms pour out like thought vomit.

Stop it.

Stop that word vomit. When you look in the mirror, know that YOU love YOU more than anything else in the world. You gave yourself all that you have to be thankful for. You're beautiful and how DARE anyone say otherwise. How dare they!


1. Get dressed. Don't spend your time in the mirror picking on your imperfections. Rather, dress up your favorite parts. I love my boobs, ass, and eyes, personally.

2. Once you're ready (even if it's every day clothes), stand in the mirror and PREEN. Preen the crap out of your mirror. Blow it away. BAM! Hottie!

3. Tell yourself how hot you are. It feels stupid at first but check yourself out like you would someone else. Damn, girl!

4. Don't look too long (unless you like it). After about 1 - 3 minutes of preening, go preen somewhere else. Looking in the mirror too long is asking for trouble when it comes to confidence.

5. Go out and don't stop preening. Even when you're alone in the car, preen. How fabulous are you? Ask yourself. Then answer. Exaggerate. Go for it.

6. If you walk into a party or public scene, remember: shoulders back confidently, shake out that hair, and one hand on your hip. Be subtle, though. Believe you're hot and your body will translate. Don't try to tell anyone but yourself.

7. When you feel your confidence getting tired, don't let it give up. Exercise it like you would a drill sergeant. Get up! Your hair is beautiful! Your makeup is flawless! Your outfit is cute!

8. Sometimes this happens, even to me, but God forbid, someone insult you. This is the most important rule. GRACE IS EVERYTHING. You may not respond as though you thought you would. That's fine, it happens. But consider this: Humans respond quickly without thinking. Navy Seals go through training to alter this. So should you. Train yourself. When you insult yourself, quick, respond! Are you laughing it off? Good. If this happens with someone else, laugh, then walk away as if they aren't worth your time and be sure to EXCUSE yourself.

For example:

Them: "Did you stick your head in a blender this morning?"
You: "Haha! Oh, you (or something)!" Pause, look them in the eye casually, then pretend something came to mind. "Oh, will you excuse me?" Walk away.

It makes it seem like they just made an ass of themselves and it works absolutely every time if you use the correct tone. Practice on yourself out loud if you insult yourself. Don't be surprised if that person tries to be next to you again at one point in the night. They subconsciously want to soak up your awesomeness.

9. You can't feel awesome all the time if you don't spoil yourself a little. It can be anything from an extra hour to sleep in or a new coat of polish on your nails. It doesn't have to cost a damn thing, honestly. You deserve it. Take time for yourself.

10. Remember that anyone who tells you that you are anything but fabulous is WRONG. They're the ones who are NOT. But don't tell them that! Being confident means emitting that you know you are graceful, nice, and HONEST. Be honest with everyone and you will have only false enemies, and other people will see that.

I developed these steps in a matter of two months and have been following them. My life has improved drastically and though it takes time, you will be unstoppably fabulous.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

50 Beauty Uses for Vaseline

It might surprise you to know that even modern girls use Vaseline for quite a bit of their every day beauty routine. It's not just for your grandmother's dry feet anymore! Vaseline is completely harmless and always safe for your skin, hair, and nails.

If you want to know exactly what petroleum jelly does, take a look here.

These are the many AMAZIN' things you can use Vaseline petroleum jelly for. I was impressed, at least.

1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this - and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time. I used to do this and I don't know if it's a placebo effect but I certainly noticed length and volume in a week or two.

2. Put a coat of Vaseline on your feet at night, cover them with socks and wake up to softer feet - every day! This way, you don't have to be shy every time you go to get a pedicure.

3. Put Vaseline on your elbows every day - they will stay soft and smooth. No more alligator elbows!

4. Put Vaseline on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles every day. It also improves your nail beds and keeps your cuticles from getting that peeling effect.

5. Put Vaseline on chapped lips and it feels awesome!

6. Use Vaseline as lip gloss. It really makes your lips look fuller and more luscious, along with a pleasant shine. You can feel it healing the cracks!

7. Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss, too.

8. Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss. I have never tried this, personally, but I've read a few blogs where girls have done this and swear that it also makes your lips softer than plain Vaseline.

9. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume. Just rub a little dab where you plan on spraying and enjoy a fresh scent all night.

10. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers. A lot of people think that it clogs your pores but this is FALSE. It does not clog pores but instead fills the gaps in lipid barriers, which is what we want for glowing, beautifully even skin.

11. Moisturizes severe dry skin, duh! It's an amazing feeling to use it after a shower.

12. Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look and make your legs alluringly sexy under that tiny skirt.

13. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub! It really feels good and is a nice addition to a steamy shower.

14. Applying Vaseline on your teeth prevents lips from sticking to teeth. A lot of celebrities use this trick for a flawless smile on the red carpet.

15. Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking to your teeth. It's not hot when your fire engine red is plastered to your pearly whites.

16. Massage, baby! Have your boyfriend rub your shoulders down with some warm petroleum jelly and melt with it.

17. Warmed up, it can be used as a night cream.

18. Makeup remover! When you're trying to even out your eyeliner with an "oops" squiggle, just dip a Q-tip into some Vaseline and lightly rub it away. Great if you don't have a steady hand with eye makeup.

19. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather. If you have a problem during cold windy days, put Vaseline on before leaving the house and be amazed at the shield it protects against the elements.

20. Applied under eye shadow, it can create a shiny effect. You know, that sexy look those girls have at the club? It almost makes your color metallic.

21. Applied on cheeks for a dewy look! Lovely for warm summer evenings.

22. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving. Hate those little red bumps? Apply Vaseline before they start once you dry off.

23. Used in manicures under cuticles. It makes your fingers less sore and it makes your nail beds look one Hell of a lot prettier.

24. Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing. You know those little scaly looking lines you get after you dry off? Vaseline fills those lines with vitamins to help reduce this effect.

25. Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless. This is the best because I find that when I decide to wear only one set (I have 9 holes total) and I leave the rest out for a long period of time, it's much simpler to just slide them in instead of forcing them through.

26. Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient. I hate when I can literally bend my fingernail over my tip because it's so flimsy. Applying Vaseline gives your nails the vitamins they need to stay strong.

27. Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks! But make sure the lipstick you use is safe (preferably organic) to use anywhere on your face.

28. Helps to ease off stuck on rings. I once went to Urgent Care because one of my rings got stuck and they had to saw it off. Worst feeling ever! Wish I'd thought to use petroleum jelly.

29. Tames unruly eyebrows! Just use a clean disposable lash wand and comb your brows to keep them in place.

30. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look. If you want to avoid using mascara (sweating, vigorous activity, spending the night with a "friend"), using a clean lash wand and some Vaseline will make your lashes look naturally darker and more defined.

31. Conditions scalp pre-shampooing. Rub a dime-sized drop of Vaseline through your roots before shampooing and love your shiny hair!

32. Can help prevent chaffing. If you like to jog in the dry heat or you plan on wearing tight clothing to the club, use a bit of Vaseline instead of lotion on those "sensitive" areas and worry not about that wretched chaffing!

33. Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures. I've never had one myself, but I've heard that many women use it on their skin to help incisions and other painful procedures heal.

34. Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff. Use the same technique as #31 and bask in the relief. You can even do it after showering if your scalp is ultra dry.

35. Therapeutic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy. I've never used this one because we don't have poison ivy where I live, but I've heard that it soothes itchiness, no matter what kind it is.

36. Can help improve condition of those with atopic eczema. Doctors recommend Vaseline for people who suffer with this condition.

37. Helps heal and protect new tattoos. I, personally, love Vaseline to keep my tattoos clean, wet, and it locks in the ink. It also feels nice and cool when you rub it on a fresh piece.

38. Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline. If you're tired of weird blotches or the burning sensation from bleach, just put Vasline around your hairline and on your ears before dying. Completely harmless and ultimately effective.

39. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags. Just use a cotton cloth and a little squeeze and rub away that grime.

40. Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a messy bedhead look. I hear that Kesha does this for some of her videos to give her a choppy yet shiny appearance.

41. Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends. If you hate looking like a dresden doll, just gently massage the Vaseline into your ends.

42. Remove makeup stains from clothing. Yes, really. If you can't bleach it and you can't wash it out, rub some on your clothing and rinse, then watch it disappear.

43. Rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish bottles and they won’t get stuck to the caps. We all know how annoying that is.

44. Make your week old nail polish look new again - rub a small dab over the polish. It's almost like polishing your pretty 6 inch patents.

45. Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow to create richer texture and color.

46. Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline. It's obvious that pricey lotions are no secret of Victoria's.

47. Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush (GENTLY, ladies) to exfoliate and leave them smooth as a baby's ass.

48. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line. It's kind of painful to peel that stuff off all the time.

49. Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning. Hallelujah!

50. Generously apply Vaseline all over before taking flights to combat associated dryness. I have no idea why this one is in here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Post

Beginning a new blog is fun.

Especially when you have so much to put in it. I can't really keep track of everything, but we can start by explaining what "Hello Accidentally" is.

"Hello Accidentally" is what happens when you wave at someone you think you know, but it's not the person you thought it was. Awkward, right?

I just thought it was a cute name. Onwards and forwards to endless crafts, sewing, fashion, refashion, makeup, and beauty advice with sensible outcomes. I'm your personal guinea pig and I will NEVER post anything I haven't tried before unless I say I've tried it.

So let the treasure trove of endless ideas begin!
